
Dataplayer now sends you customised reports by email!

Exciting news is on the horizon for all our Dataplayer users – we’re introducing a game-changing feature that will revolutionise the way you interact with your data. Say hello to Custom Email Reports! This latest enhancement is designed to provide you with a seamless and personalised analytics experience, right in your inbox.

  • Customise Your Metrics: Dive into the heart of your data by selecting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that matter most to you. Whether it’s revenue, patient engagement, or discharge rates, Dataplayer empowers you to track the metrics that align with your unique business objectives.
  • Choose Your Reporting Period: Whether you prefer a daily, weekly, or monthly overview, Dataplayer adapts to your schedule. Select your desired reporting period, and our platform will automatically generate insightful reports based on your chosen timeframe.
  • Effortless Delivery: Bid farewell to the days of logging in to fetch reports. With a few clicks, schedule your customised reports to be delivered straight to your email or your team’s inboxes. Dataplayer ensures you stay informed without breaking a sweat.

Benefits of Custom Email Reports

  • Time is Money: This feature is your time-saving ally. No more navigating through dashboards – get the insights you need without lifting a finger. Your time is valuable, and we’re here to make sure you spend it wisely.
  • Team Collaboration, Simplified: Share the wealth of insights with your team effortlessly. We facilitate collaboration by keeping your entire team in the loop. Everyone gets the data they need, fostering a collaborative environment and alignment towards shared goals.
  • Your Data, Your Way: Personalise your analytics journey by honing in on the metrics that matter to you. You get a personalised snapshot of your data universe, offering insights tailored to your unique perspective.

Ready to Get Started?

Order your custom email report by writing to us at support@dataplayer.io

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