We are now integrated with Nookal Practice Management!
We are excited to announce that we are now integrated with Nookal.
Nookal is a Smart Practice Management software which helps practitioners manage appointments and bookings in their diary, keep track of patient clinical data and measure business performance.
To set up your account, you need to follow these simple steps:
- Get your Nookal API Key
You can get your API Key on your Nookal account by going to Setup> Connections> Integrations> Dataplayer. Enable it and click Configure. Copy the API Key and choose to Synchronise Clinical Notes. For a more detailed guide, click here.

- Create your account on Dataplayer
- Click “Start Free Trial” on the Dataplayer website.
- Fill in the form with the information: Username, Clinic Name, email and password. Choose “Nookal” from the dropdown menu on Practice Management Software.
- Your account is now created.

- Connect Nookal to Dataplayer.
When you create your account, a form will appear on your screen asking for the API Key. Paste there the Nookal API Key you generated.
Choose the timezone most suitable for getting your reports and updates.
Click “Submit” and you are done!

Your account will be filled with data soon, and you can get the best out of Dataplayer for free for 14 days.
P.s you can always just reach out to our chat or Dataplayer Support team by email: support@dataplayer.io.