
How are technological advancements and big data impacting creativity?

Barriers have always been a visionary genius’s worst enemy. If you think about anyone that has ever created something truly impactful or distinctive, it most probably surpassed expectations.

Revolutionary art comes with its own set of controversies.

If we take a look at the marketing campaigns that have been popularised nowadays, they similarly follow the same concept. The generic articles that once drew traffic, the basic captions with filtered pictures, might offer you a narrow place in the sea. They certainly won’t make you stand out of the crowd, or bear an opposite flow.

Burger King coming in with “Whooper Neutrality”. 

A wonderful example of a brand taking a leap of faith and speaking out on a delicate matter is the popular fast-food chain restaurant. 

Their commercial had a clever explanation on a complicated topic like net neutrality; whilst also helping people understand why cancelling regulations surrounding the subject has such a negative impact on everyone. And their unique approach seemed to have paid off.

While the average Burger King video on YouTube gets 286,000 views, “Whopper Neutrality” got more than 4.6 million views. It also got 127,000 likes vs. 10,000 dislikes — a very positive ratio.

How do data-decision making and tech-support correlate with creativity?

Today’s savvy and demanding consumers require individualised assistance at precise points in the buying cycle. That genuine connectivity isn’t considered exceptional anymore, simply a necessity

Brands that fail to consistently hit the inventive mark will struggle to keep up. Instead of adding value, they end up lost in a market that’s more competitive than ever. However, navigating these key points of connection requires you to get more in tune with your data. 

Most probably, even if you don’t realise it, you’re likely making your marketing decisions based on insights. Even if you think that you are running simply on instincts, it can still be considered as information gathered through occurrences and experiences throughout your life. 

The case pro data and tech.

Marketers should learn how to understand the emotions that are hidden in data. 

Creatives have a good sensibility for human truths and pain points, and data analysts know how to match different data sources to interpret and map these human truths. 

Marketing is about finding and engaging a target audience, but data helps us perceive and understand those audiences more efficiently than in the past. 

When the teams of data and creatives work together in engagement, they can power amazing campaigns and marketing strategies. 

An example of a company maximizing this collaboration is GroupM, the world’s leading media investment group. 

Through its agencies, GroupM offers advertising media selection services including media planning and media buying, branded content, and more, by integrating digital intelligence. 

The struggles and blockage they might bring along.

Nevertheless, data without a vision or purpose lacks any certain value. 

When it doesn’t have validity or relevance, data can cost the typical company up to a fifth of its revenue each year.

Sometimes, your gut feelings might know better than the accumulation of past experiences. Designers, artists, producers are known for taking risks when it comes to creating content, that’s how new ideas are born.

Additionally, many people like to point out that having so much technology at hand decreases our creativity because we know too much information, driving a lack of originality.

The conclusion: A common, collaborative ground. 

It takes human abilities to truly understand the data, ask the right questions, explore different scenarios, and gain meaningful insights to inform the creative output.

When creatives and data analysts work together harmoniously, the vision for revolutionary content can come true. As long as data and tech have support to their core and no blockage, there’s no reason as to why they can’t further help all ingenious minds. 

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